"A toast to no more Kylee". Katrine said with her glass in the air.

"What are you going to do with her mom? We can't keep her captive forever."

"I know Jazz, that is why we are going to send her to the land of no return."

Jazz let's out an evil laugh. "Finally... I am going to finally get rid of that little pest."

"Yes dear, we are."



"Can I please torture her a little bit before we kill her? I really want to see her suffer before killing her mom."

"Of course dear, but only for one hour."

"Come on mom, one hour seriously? It's too short."

"I know Jazz, but every second matters dear, the sooner we get rid of her and get out of here safely the better for both of us."

"Fine mom, then I think we should start right away." Jazz said with a smile. "Like you said, mom the sooner the better."

Katrine brought out her phone, walking up and down in the room as she got a call label across 'yo tiger.'