

'Hm, this is tricky! But for someone like me, who lived a life filled with safe decisions and accomplished nothing, why should I care in my second chance?.'

'Yes, Only with boldness can a brat like me succeed at this unfortunate little game' He declared.

'Wait, can you control my lips and say it instead of me? I can't stomach saying such cringy words.'

Narcos didn't answer back; instead he directly launched a mind control command, sealing Yami's mind in the process.

A few seconds passed before Yami uttered his chosen route sentence.

"Miserable demons understand each other"

Shortly after, messages surged sequentially.

<30 Infatuation points gained>

>> curious>

The pupils that been directed at him now turned to a whole figure; the girl's neck bent to the right, finally, having a profound look at him, as her eyes outshined the studio's flashy light.

Moreover, She replied in a completely new tone, "Indeed,"

Followed up with a soft whisper, "Interesting."

I smiled leisurely, putting up my skillful acting mask; as I headed deeper into the room, before stopping, "You need to add more color to the lips area."

She frowned and asked, "Hm?"


"Show me,"

"Ok," I smirked, answering back.

However, the system questioned my actions.

'Shush it, I used to do makeup for kids during Halloween.'

'Relax, and let me take care of it.'

Confidently, grabbed the brush from between her fingers; I dipped it on the white color, then proceeded to make vertical lines on her black colored lips, ultimately greatly enhancing the demonic aura she is emitting.

Jumping back, and did what all proud artists will perform, profoundly taking a look at my wonderful creation.

'Eh! Two masterpieces on the same same day!'

Turning her chair, I pointed at the mirror, saying, "Do you like it?"

Her purple eyes glanced at her lips before a brow naturally got lifted; at that moment, I felt my life flash through my eyes, 'Did I mess it up?'.

Nevertheless, No death notification hit my ears like I foresaw; instead, I heard an amused toned sentence, "I like it, thank you."

Gasping, I laughed, "Hehe, it's nothing,"

An awkward silence followed my sigh of relief.

She kept staring at me without blinking like I'm some kind of alien.

Trying to break the sleet build up atmosphere, I asked, leaning on the counter, "What's your name?"

Thinking about my question, she answered, "Ai Hikari."

'Hikari? Wasn't her last name Sato? Why would she lie about her name?' my thoughts didn't disturb my outer appearance, as I replied, "Nice to meet you; my name is Yami."

We exchanged greetings and had a conversation;

Well, it was more of an integoration since I was the only one who was asking questions; her answers were short, and her gaze was cold, yet, I felt like it wasn't too bad for a first-time accounter.

However, in spite of time, when I was getting overly frustrated, I heard her say, "Since my painting is finished. Would you like to breathe some fresh air outside?,"

I smiled and nodded my head.

We moved forward to the door till we reached the parking lot; the path we took wasn't the same as the one me and Miku, previously took; in fact, we jumped from a nearby window.

Luckily, we were on the first floor.

My thoughts drifted on the weird girl behavior, strongly emphasized my notion about this girl not being a student of this Academy.

'Weird! This girl is very unpredictable.'

But an unexpected sight unraveled in front of me.

Miku was standing beside the bike I formerly borrowed from the Haruka family garden; she was still holding her neck, and from the expression on her face, I dictated that she didn't just arrive but was waiting for a while.

Shifting her attention to us, her eyes also twirled.

My surprise didn't last long, walking straight to where she is standing while Ai followed me.

Within Miku's bafflement, she angrily yelled, "Where have you been? I waited for—." but her last words got cut off after seeing the monster behind me.

"I don't care; this is Ai, by the way," I pointed my thumb behind me and answered.

Looking at her, their eyes met, then I saw Miku pulling my shirt. "Let's go; I don't want to practice anymore,"

'Who would want to go with you? Even though a freak was behind me, but who cares? It's still better than an arrogant girl like you' I didn't publicize my thoughts but simply slapped her hand, snorting, "You can call the driver; you didn't like the ride anyway,"

I stood beside the bicycle as the weird girl sat comfortably in the bar without even asking if it's mine.

She took a glance at Miku, Uttering, "I never rode a bike in my life. Can you take me around the city?"

'You asking this from a stranger you just met a couple of hours ago? Lord, help me understand this girls brains!'

"Sure," pushing back the "Princess," I got up on the bike and said, "You can go back to that abundant vapid brat. Didn't you have a competition to win?."

Her eyes were fuming with anger.

Furthermore, the hands grabbing her neck contrasted, digging sharp nails on her skin.

Humphing, I pressed the pedal, leaving the parking lot. Not even sparing a glance at her.

'Hehe, This is so enjoyable!' Yami was very amused by provoking the beautiful girl.

But he didn't notice that he might've done it excessively this time; after all, shortly after they left, blood reeked from Miku's neck as she dug too deeply into her narrows.