Ai pt 2

With this chapter, we put an end to the long prologue; the first ark of the story will start beginning from the next chapter

Please don't get confused: Yami is the MC name.


Going through the options, I had a long pondering session for which one to use; like always, the system gives me a bad choice, a gainless stable opportunity with a safer bet, and one more tricky chance with a high rise of infatuation paired with a considerable flaw.

I felt like I am playing an otome game; one selection will dominate the route while the wrong one will end it, except my life is the one that will be ending if I choose the bad option.

'Now let's not be too much pessimistic and see what we have here; I love risks, but this time, the drawback is enormous, which means the second route is probably the best for me since its flexible, and I don't need to act talented all the times.'

After deciding, I was about to select the second route, yet, Narcos brought me some precious news.

The system words shocked me; I never thought I would get a function to raise my talent.

'If that's possible, that's means I can no longer hesitate to choose option three and then try to survive till I successfully leap my skills and potential.'

Finally, Yami made his final decision, saying the third sentence with an air of pearless coldness; he maliciously grinned towards the girl, complementing the type of answer he selected.

Ai gaped, eyes showing intense emotions, as they rapidly flipped like a lizard toward the boy; she was amazed, confused, and most importantly, wrong. Her first assessment of the boy was a nonchalant talented artist that might or might not make it to the top if he ever put it together; however, her view of him altered faster than a bee noticing a flower. She now sees him in another light, a light that nobody couldn't ever reach.

And perhaps nobody would want to reach.

Ai, of course, didn't get impressed by his first analysis; any artist with keen eyes can discern the meaning of her painting, yet, his last remark was like a bolt of lightning on her ears; she indeed put a distinct purpose deeply hidden in the portrait, that she didn't think anybody can oversee.

Her attention was suddenly more harnessed towards him; her sharp senses wandered his figure and orifices, noticing the mountains and highlands of his face, the bulging muscles, the athletic physique, and his scent.

She smelled two odors coming from him;

Ai could discern man and women remaining scent flawlessly, and she knew both of the fragrances coming from him belonged to females. However, she still didn't want to jump to any conclusions till she's sure.

What if it belonged to his mother and sister?

But would a mother leave a red mark on his lips?

Hardly unthinkable.

All this happened inside her head; without a flinch sported from her face, she had everything in control.

<+20% infatuation points added>

< Current infatuation: 57%>

>> Absorbed>

And the question came after she couldn't hold it back, especially for the first boy that she's very interested in.

"Your mother must like you," She coldly mumbled. Switching the flow of the conversation.

I heard her words mixed with the system notifications, and question marks popped up on top of my head, cogitating her remark thoughtfully.

'Mother? My mother died several years ago; what the heck is she talking about?'

Nevertheless, Yami learned to keep it quiet as much as possible in front of smarter people; in this situation, he'd rather be the talkless kid in the class's back than the big mouth foolish clown.

So, I chose to smile and turn my head towards the mesmerizing portrait.

It was an extended period before any of them spoke; one was afraid of his mouth blunders, and the other wanted to know everything about the other.

Then, an idea crossed my mind, 'Wait a minute; she's a prodigy, right? If I can sell this piece in the future, it surely will be costly,'

"By the way, can I have the portrait?" I uttered.

She pondered longer than I expected and nodded her head horizontally, refusing my request, as she simply said, "I want it,"

'Huh!? You're a godamn prodigy; you can draw this in your sleep!'

I sighed and leaned on the wall, feeling pity for the money I lost; still, a magical drawing landed in my sight.

Something was staring at me from the back of her neck; it was fierce and imposing, with sharp teeth and flamed red scales, well detailed and appealing to the eyes, like an otherworldly piece, the thing head showed up between her neck, covered by her lengthy black hair, as it looked so strong that it was ready to cruise chaos on the whole world.

'A Dragon Tattoo?' I wondered; it looked like a high ranking female of an ancient yakuza family will have.

'Fuck! What girl would be so daring to the point she will have such a massive tattoo like that? I can't even imagine the size of the mighty dragon body in her back.'

Ai noticed my stares and quickly turned around, hastily saying, "Well, the lesson is finally over; let's have another on the next week, same time, okay?"

"Hm? Ah, yes, sure," I didn't want to stay a second more besides such a mysterious girl, I excused myself, first, before she requests me to give her a ride.

The sunset was almost over; I probably will reach home after 8 am.

Meanwhile, in a huge luxurious mansion, a teenage boy was sitting with his family, eating dinner that looked like a feast, with all the food stacked up on the long wooden table.

A man with a trimmed black beard and grey eyes sat across him, precisely in the head of the table, signaling his position as the family's head. In contrast, his wife sat on his right, and his daughter sat on the left, and the rest of the family consisted of his two brothers and sister, sat far.

The middle-aged man was powerfully built; however, his left leg was disabled, using only a stick to move.

It was Yami secret family, as the disabled man was his brutal father, and the rest were his half-brother, sister, uncles, and aunt; the family was prominent and ancient; after all, they control a lot of the cash flow in the city, with countless businesses and companies.

Yami's brother didn't have the appetite to eat; his mother noticed his condition and concernedly chimed, "What's the matter, Haru?"

He put down the silver fork and mumbled, "I saw someone that tremendously resembles father; he partially have the same eyes and hair color,"

His mother sulked and then chuckled, "Oh! Not every day you see someone as handsome as my husband, well, probably it just a faint resemblance," she didn't give it any extra thought or importance; after all, the father was a master at manipulating her thoughts, she does not doubt her mind that her husband was faithful to her all this period.

The only one present who actually gave Naru's words a second thought was the main culprit, his "Father," as he immediately made a mental note to investigate the matter.