The Accident

"I told Ian he should of shouldn't have left. What was he thinking about driving when he was exhausted. He could have at least asked me to drive him a bit better than him actually."

Andrew eagerly grabs his keys and coat from his bed and rushes to the elevator and enters the elevator.

"Come on hurry up!"

The elevator reaches the ground floor and he zooms to his truck not even putting on his coat and ignoring the hard pellets of rain hitting against his clothing. Andrew turns on his phone and put-ons on his GPS to Cedar Town, telling him it's a 4-hour drive due to road conditions from the rain.

"This isn't how I wanted to start my first days at Charlotte University. I can already tell this Ian kid is going to be a handful and we barely even sat down and talked really. Jeez out of all the kids at least someone who is quiet and stays out of trouble. Well hopefully Ian is okay, he sounded pretty hurt when he was on the phone. "

As Andrew is driving through the bullets of rain. His phone rings like a siren scaring Andrew a bit. The truck is filled with the sound of the rain hitting his truck.

"A-Andrew where are you? I need you here now please."

"I'm on my way. I'm driving as.."

Call drops for some reason.

"FOR FUCK SAKE! I'm coming Ian you dumbass."

Andrew driving as if he had road rage chasing someone on the road. Oblivious of the conditions and races through the freeway.

"I hope Andrew is almost here. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. As if my eyes are being pulled down by a rope trying to force it close shut. Maybe if I honk my horn hopefully someone or Andrew can hear."

As cold air fills the car and this feeling of sadness fills pours into Ian's mind. Looking out the window of the rain gracefully falling down the window. Ian mumbles while sniffling.

"Is this how it was for you mom when you got into the accident? Is this how you when nothing but loneliness was present and cold heartache in your heart that it was over for you? I miss you mom, I wish you were still alive."

Ian lifted his hand and putting it on the ice-cold window barely keeping his eye open in the hope someone can grab his hand and help him. As he was about to close his eyes. His hand is swallowed by a white light as if he was reaching into the heavens.

"What is this light? Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Why is it so cold in Heaven?

Andrew parks right in front of the driver's door. Leaving his truck on and gets out and opens Ian's car door.

"IAN! Are you okay!? "Come on let's get you out of the car and into my truck. So I can take a look at you properly."

Andrew unbuckles Ian and covers his head with the coat he brought to Ian's head from the rain. Carefully lifting him up like a new-born walking to the back seat of the truck. And sitting him upright.

"Here drink some water and let me go get your friend. Whatever you do, don't fall asleep."

Andrew hurries like a feral cat seeing a human being to get Tristan. Slowly opening the door as Tristan is leaning forward from the impact.

"Damn this guy is really knocked out."

Andrew leans in slowly to reach to the seat buckle and unbuckles Tristan. Releasing Tristan and falling onto Andrew's brisk shoulder waking Tristan up.

"What are you doing pervert! Get off of me!"

Tristan shoving Andrew into losing his balance and falling onto the soaked road.

"Okay, okay. I was just trying to help you. It's me Ian's roommate, you saw me earlier today. Anyways get out and come to my truck and warm up."

Andrew gets up and gives a hand to Tristan.

"You need a hand to help you out."

Tristan snickers like a chihuahua but grabs Andrew's hand.

"Thanks for helping me. Where is your truck?"

"Points at the lights. Over there the one with the lights turned on and a flatbed on the back you know." Andrew chuckles. "Sorry, not the right time. Come on before you get sick."

They both walk back to the truck. Tristan goes on one side and opens the door and hops in like a bunny since he's short. Shaking like a chihuahua taking a cold bath.

"Here let me get you a towel" Andrew goes to the co-passenger side and opens a box full of towels and grabs some throw blankets that were in a bag on the floor and throws it into the middle back seat. " Do you need help drying off, guys?"

Tristan rolls his eyes. "I got it, I'm not a baby."

Ian doesn't say a thing like a doll. Andrew goes to the side door and opens it and leans over Ian and grabs a towel and softly dries Ian's hair. Tapping on his clothes to remove some water but unable as if he jumped into the ocean.

"Hey Ian, I need to remove your clothes and try and dry you off."

Ian frozen like a statue not saying a word.

"Umm okay." Andrew lifts Ian's shirt and pats him dry with the towel. "I think I have a shirt in the pocket give me a second Ian." As Andrew dug in the seat pocket in front of Ian. "Here you can use this for now and warm-up." Andrew gently slides on the shirt over Ian accidentally touching his skin.

"Huh, what's going on. What are you doing Andrew?"

"I was drying you off and you weren't replying to me. So I went ahead and started drying you off."

Andrew reaches over Ian for the blanket in the middle freaking Ian out more.

"What are you doing now?!"

"I'm getting the blanket right next to you to put over you and warm you up."

Tristan glares. "Ian can you fucking calm down and just let him help you, you fucking idiot. We wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't fall asleep."

Triggering Andrew. "Hey what's your name Tristan? Why don't you shush your mouth and stay quiet? Your not helping Ian at all and if another word comes out of your mouth. I'll leave your ass back in the rain and you can wait for the next oncoming car."

Ian lifts his hand and elderly taps on Andrew's shoulder. "It's okay, don't yell." Andrew grinds his teeth. "Fine." Andrew wraps Ian in a blanket and puts his seat-belt on and closes the door and gets in the driver seat and blasts the heater like a sauna, fogging up the windows. Andrew reaches for his phone and makes a call.

"Hey, Lil sis can you ask dad to pick up a car that's on the way to Cedar Town? Tell him don't worry I'll pay him for the gas."


"I'm fine Rebecca. Now shush before say the other nickname."

"Okay fine I'll tell Dad." Rebecca pouts "Hmmph"

"Thanks, sis. Love you bye" Andrew hangs up and puts on his seat-belt.

"Let's go back to the dorm for now and rest. It's been a long night." Andrew turns on calming radio music and turns his truck around and heads back to the dorm."