Another Update

Sorry to all the Kuroko Lover's but i wont be up loading for some time but to create My New Highschool DxD FanFiction. Although i will gradually complete the 2 year of Teiko after reaching 15 Chapter on the new fanfic. Btw Highschool DxD only won by 1 vote, the runner's up were Naruto and my own created novel, if i have time i MIGHT make at least one of them.

I wont be detailing of what i'm thinking about doing to the Highschool DxD fanfic but i will say that the MC wont be having a system, on the other hand will have wish granted to at least make the MC Really strong basically on the border line of OP and of course he's gonna be a reincarnated so he will know most things but will only help when necessary such as Cuckolding Issei or maybe female version, so please choose between which. I'll give you the personality of the MC, sociable butterfly, gets compared to a knight similar to yuuto kiba and psychopath when things that 'belongs' to him gets hurt or tried to be taken, inpatient doesn't like when someone isn't taking his time away for nothing and similar to his ancestor Caumrupt ******* due to his similar looks and personality traits.


Sorry if it was short but i hope you guys are alright with my decisions but i wont be changing it that much though i will still take some idea from the audience