Spell Weaver

Raze spoke to Lucan. "If you become my hand you will receive a 20% discount when you spend experience to buy power. You will be able to contract up to 5 warlocks beneath you, direct warlocks. You and them both can collect as many acolytes as you are able to manage. There are no numbers to meet regarding min or max, do what you like."

"Hold on, what are acolytes?"

"Ah yes, someone who buys power, but their primary class isn't a warlock. You get to keep 20% of the experience that comes through your personal connections. Your direct warlocks get 10% if they are the ones to make a deal while you get 20% of the experience they bring in and I get the 70% left over. If you are able to develop ethereal magic, you will get 100% of the experience when you pass your knowledge on to others. As my Hand you will also be given a small territory, since your level is low, right now you just have a moderate size village, do what you want but I collect 80% of the tax while you keep 20%. The abilities you and your followers can sell depend on what you have bought. You can use my shadow bolt so all your followers can purchase spells and abilities that involve shadow projectiles and so on. As my Hand your role is to spread my influence and if need be, I will attempt to hire you to crush my foes where I cannot reach. My Hands are also rewarded every time they rise up 50 levels. This is what being my Hand entails."

Lucan nodded that he could agree to the terms so far.

"As for your rewards. I will supply you with the basic abilities to raise your influence and gather followers. I will allow you to select a unique enhanced familiar. I will give you a soul stone. I will implant half of this magical essence into your body and I will let you select a spell, skill or ability of your own choosing that is under 50,000 experience if you agree to let me take half of the essence and experiment with it until you reach level 200."

Lucan thought for a moment. "I can agree if… you are willing to still have me be your Hand after I aske you send me back to level 0."

"Hmm." Raze said surprised. "It would be embarrassing to have my Hand be so lacking but I suppose it is an opportunity for you to consolidate your strength and it also gives me more time with the essence. Alright, but I have conditions of my own. You have to choose your free gift before you level down. Just like you, I am know the prices are based off your stats. If you're level 0, everything will be incredibly cheap. And you also have to be level 100 again in 1 year. If you can't do that, even with your gifts I don't want you to be my Hand."

"Deal." Lucan said reaching out his hand.

Raze took it and shook.

[Your class has changed from Warlock to Hand of Raze.]

[Mana is upgraded from intellect x 2 to intellect x 3.5]

[Heath is upgraded from stamina x 1.5 to stamina x 4]

[You have learned the soul stone ability.]

[You cannot learn the ability to summon an enhanced familiar until you select your desired familiar.]

[You have learned the transfer experience ability.]

[The other Hands of Raze are aware of your presence and will greet you when they believe you are worthy to be a 'Hand'.]

[You have learned telepathic communication]

[You have learned the 'Converse with follower' ability.]

[You have learned the 'Pact Magic' ability.]

"What, you made this guy your last 'Hand'. Have you lost your marbles old man?" The young woman said, bursting in again.

"Calm down. You will see his value in enough time."

"Yeah, guard the door." Lucan said from bed.

She stormed out while Raze snickered. When he controlled himself, Raze picked up the small ball of glowing essence. It gave off a clear green color. He split it in two and pressed half against Lucan's chest. Just like that, a second smaller green mana bar was born.

"It's that easy?"

"When you're me." Raze said with a smile. "Have you decided on your last reward?"

"Can I have the companion class of Magic Blade Assassin?" Lucan asked. It was class he planned to advance in. It would be silly to replace 'Hand of Raze' with 'Magic Blade Assassin' but it made the perfect companion class.

"I don't see why not." Raze waved his hand.

[You have acquired the companion class of Magic Blade Assassin.]

[You have gained proficiency with shortswords.]

[When you wield a dagger or shortsword, attack power is upgrade from strength x 1 to agility x 2.5]

[Critical strikes with a dagger or shortsword are upgraded from total damage (attack power + weapon damage) x 1.25 to total damage x 1.75]

[You can now purchase the ability to transform a wand or rod into a magical shortsword or dagger.]

"If you are satisfied, I will convert all the levels you have gained so far and turn them into experience for you to spend."

"I am ready."

[You have fallen to level 0.]

[You have 1,285,903 experience points to spend.]

[The equipment currently equipped is above your level, it will offer no protection and become damaged very easily.]

"If we are done here, I will let your rest. When you recover fully, explore your new territory and get your level back up."

"Master, I know we have already made our deal, but can I ask for your advice? I will pay you if necessary."

"What do you want to ask?"

"Do you know a good class to help research magic. I got a title that will speed it up by 25%, I was hopping you could point me in the right direction."

"Hmm." Raze said while rubbing his chin. "You don't want true research, that is all theoretical. You have the essence so experimenting yourself will be the fastest way to learn. This is where it will get tricky. You are going to think I am a swindler."

Lucan grimaced. "Let's hear it."

"You should take the Spell Weaver class. It is the perfect time, although challenging at first, it will prove very rewarding. Look into it before you make a decision." And like that Raze vanished.

Lucan opened up the tabs and found the spell weaver class.

"You damn all knowing swindler, what's it take to catch a break."

The Spell Weaver class cost 1 million experience, that was the cost at level 0. Once mastered it had the potential to make someone a true legend, but it is a heck of an investment that included a steep learning curve. He would lose half his mana bar but her would gain a bar for shadow magic and a bar for mental magic, the two main pillars of Raze's power. He would also no longer be able to point, think and say, a spell and have magic cast. He would have to summon the correct energy, structure the magic for the desired effect, then use it. Even though it was 50 times harder it allowed a huge degree of freedom. If there was magic researcher class, then this was the magic experimenter. If he could become proficient, casting multiple spells at a time would be easy, his casting speed would be through the roof and he would have the tools to develop his own spells.

Lucan sighed as he spent the points.

[You have acquired the companion class of Spell Weaver.]

[Magic attack power has been upgraded from intelligence x 2 to intelligence x 3.]

Lucan felt a blur in his mind. He suddenly learned more information for the five spells he already knew. He now had knowledge of the magic formulas used to cast those spells. He would have to start practicing soon.

Lucan's body still felt a little wobbly, so he stayed in bed and browsed his menus. Lucan noticed he earned another two titles.

[Lord of Shadowsweep]

[NPCs recognize you as a low ranking noble.]

The first title he got as a perk from becoming a Hand of Raze.

[Conqueror of Despair]

[Falling into Despair and emerging the other side has changed you. You have gained 'Warlock's Insanity']

[Passive Buff/Curse]

[When your emotions become extremely volatile you will activate the effects of Warlock's Insanity, suffering from a first degree of moderate insanity. You maybe able to overcome your limits and due something you weren't capable of, or you may become helpless. It is hard to say what an insane warlock will do.]

"Ha." Lucan could only laugh, he wasn't looking forward to going insane, but at least it wasn't extreme insanity or a higher degree. And at the same time, he was kind of glade to keep a small part of the trial that tormented him and gave him huge rewards. Or that could just be the Warlock's Insanity kicking in.

With over 285,000 points to spend Lucan started shopping.

He bought an ability to summon the magic dagger 'Night Whisper' for 100,000, a dagger capable of ignoring a level difference up to 25 levels. This damage wouldn't be reduced for attacking a target above his level. He then spent another 100,000 to make Enhanced familiar connection a passive that he can toggle on with an ability instead of having to constantly use mana to maintain the connection. For right now he would hold onto 85,000.

He knew it would lose value as he leveled but he wanted to hold onto it incase he needed something specific, like when your plummeting through the dark and want to buy night vision and shadow form.

The last thing to do was pick his enhanced familiar. Through stressing about which abilities to buy and which familiar to pick, it was time to log out when he eventually came to a decision.