Supplies In Vertshadow

Lucan and Oar woke up. Oar went to tend to the horse before they set out. Lucan had stopped at 4 locations yesterday. He could sense something there on each but had no indication that it was valuable.

After 3 hours of riding they arrived at the 5th location. Lucan was already giddy as he hopped down from the horse.

"This is it." He said as he looked underground.

The mana was 5 times denser 200 feet underground. There were thousands of stagnant clumps of mana that shone with a crystal brilliance. It was clumps of pure mana, unmoving underground.

"They must be something valuable." Lucan mumbled to himself before double checking the ground again. When he was satisfied, he spent the time to cast shadow tunnel.

"This is it." He told Oar. "Let's head back to the village and get those dwarves moving."

Lucan and Oar made it to the village a few hours before dinner. They had no issue finding the dwarves.

"Like what you see?" Ed asked.

Lucan nodded. "I want this one excavated immediately." He said while pointing to the map.

"Hmm, that one? It's your choice." Ed said shrugging his shoulder.

Ed didn't seem to think this location would be too valuable. And he was correct about the fact that it was the smallest deposit Lucan had looked at. It worked out well for Lucan, with a deposit of this size, Ed wanted to be paid for the time he put in instead of collecting a percent. Lucan and Ed ironed out the details over a meal. For now, they would stay with just the 5 dwarves working with Ed running the mine. Lucan would ease travel and transportation by setting up a Shadow Tunnel and enhancing it. Lucan would get everything and pay them a daily wage.

After making the pact and shaking on it, he gave the dwarves 50 gold and bought himself a month of work. They had tools to start with but those would eventually break, and Lucan would have to pay for new equipment and anything they needed in the mine. Ed agreed to become his acolyte so he could stay in touch.

"Come on Oar, we are going to Vertshadow."

"Oh cool! What's Vertshadow."

"It's the capital, where Raze has his main base. I am broke again so I need to sell off some wands to buy them supplies."

"Can't you use Alasan's money?" Oar asked.

"Why would I use his money?"

"No, I mean what he collects and saves for the village. He explained the tax to me on the first day. Everybody that lives here has to chip in a bit every 3 weeks. He uses the money to pay Raze and the rest is for the village. You want to mine ore to build up the city, right? So, isn't that what the tax is for?"

"You know I do remember him saying something about that." Lucan said, turning around and heading to Alasan's office.


"I see no problem in you taking money to supply the excavation." Alasan said unlocking the chest that was normally tucked under his desk. "Here take this to fund the mine for a while." He said after putting 100 gold in a small leather pouch. "And to answer your question about the Supreme Leaders Tax, we pay a flat rate per person while we are an unincorporated territory."

"Okay good."

Alasan tried to hide a small chuckle. "Oar, it will be a good idea for you to start reading my daily reports."

"Yes, do that." Lucan said with a tinge of embarrassment. He felt that every time he asked Alasan a question, there was already a report at his home with the answer.

"Do not fret Lord Quilldrake, you are a busy man. Besides, you have a steward for these things."

"Yes, you can count on me!" Oar said, not understanding the entire conversation.

Lucan and Oar left Alasan's office. "Does this mean we aren't going to Vertshadow?" Oar asked.

"No, were going. It's much faster than walking to Avalon and back."

Lucan led the exited Oar to the transfer point and payed the fee.

They stepped into the crowded evening streets of Vertshadow.

The level 55 warlock and level 30 fighter were small fries compared to the citizens ranging between level 100-150. Lucan didn't bother requesting a guard from the palace, he wouldn't be here long. Lucan headed down the street to a blacksmith to get pickaxes, shovels, and all the other tools they would need. He visited a general supply to get lanterns, buckets and miscellaneous supplies. He picked up a few things but decided to wait to see what Ed wanted instead of guessing.

Lucan and Oar left the supply shop and walked out into the street. "There you are!" Someone shouted.

"Hey, that kind of sounded like-." Lucan's hand covered Oar's mouth as he sent him a telepathic message.

'While this woman is around, pretend that Silent Night doesn't exist.'

Lucan turned to see Heaven's Kiss moving through the crowd with 4 other players following behind her.

"You are a hard bastard to track down." She said while slipping a hand into lucan's armor and yanking him close to her angry face.

"Heaven, you may want to let him go." Said one of the players behind her. A tall young man in priest's robes. "Remember where we are. He is rumored to be Raze's favorite Hand."

Heaven's Kiss let go of him but didn't back away. "You better explain yourself properly."

Lucan smirked. "You don't want me to explain." He said while shaking his head. "You don't want me to explain to Grand Magister Faylen that my team cleared out the Deephook Bandits while you lied and took credit. What do you want me to explain? You want me to tell people that your rabid fans turned me into one of the internet most hated people because they thought some rogue was you… I guess I could offer you a small explanation. My subordinate who looks like you changed her race, so go away." Lucan said while waving her away and stepping around the mage.

"You are so damn infuriating." She yelled after him.

Lucan and Oar walked down the road while Heaven's Kiss and her party followed them.

After a couple of blocks Lucan hollered to her party. "Why are you following me?"

"Is it illegal to walk down the street?" Heaven's Kiss yelled back.

Lucan walked another 2 blocks down the street before stopping. "I know, you are captivated by my looks and want to make the rumors true, right?"

Heaven's face scrunched up in anger. It reminded Lucan of Silent when he would poke fun at archery or anything she liked. A genuine smile spread across his face.

"You really are a crazy fool." She said marching up to him. "You aren't anything to write home about."

"Oh, fine then." Lucan said while shrugging it off. "I guess you don't want to accompany me upstairs then." He said pointing to the building he waited in front of. Several armed guards stood before a lavish, unmarked door.

Having a direct connection to SuperSleuth was great. It took Lucan only a moment to learn of a private club his position would grant him access to. Lucan bowed to Super's information network.

Heaven's kiss turned to look at the building with questioning eyes.

A young woman came up and whispered into Heaven's Kiss's ear. Even though he couldn't hear her, Menta's eye had no issue reading her lips.

'It's the Royal Circle Club. The first 2 floors are a private store that sells rare consumables and scrolls while the 3rd floor is a lounge that only caters to those with distinguished positions.'

"Ah, perhaps next time." Lucan said. "After thinking about it, Oar is pretty young and it's getting late, I rather not stay at the palace tonight. We will have to postpone our date for later." Lucan said, before turning around and leaving.

Heaven was about to shout after him when Lucan spoke again. "If you want to get in contact, think my name three times and ask for my strength."

"Yeah right! Like I would ever ask for your strength!" A frazzled Heaven's Kiss yelled back.

Lucan chuckled while walking to the transfer point with Oar. A few minutes later they were back in Shadowsweep.

"Who was that lady?" Oar asked.

"That is Silent's sister. She doesn't know Silent is a Traveler, and in this world too. It is not our secret to reveal."

"I don't think it is a good idea to be flirting with your girlfriend's sister."

"What are you talking about. I've never had a girlfriend you punk. Silent hang's around because she needs my help."

"With what?"

Lucan stopped. He couldn't think of why she was still around. She changed her race. She never spent points to buy spells and abilities. She didn't need anything Lucan could offer.

"Now that you mention it, I don't know." He said while thinking. "Maybe I have overlooked something. It could be possible that one of the other Hand's sent her to spy on me."

"What? You think Silent is a spy!"

"I don't know, she is always asking questions and trying to get information. She showed up days after I received the position, and she even has some of my secrets embedded into her. She has been at a dungeon for awhile now, longer than I thought she would be."

"Is that what you think of me?" Said an angry voice from behind Lucan and Oar.

"Ah, Silent, when did you get back?" Lucan said starting to sweat.

"About the time Oar said you were flirting with my sister."