
'Why wait?' Brax thought to himself. 'You know better than anybody that given the time to think you will chicken out. Be a man of action, be confident.'

Brax rolled down the window and looked at Holly who was still glaring at him angrily.

"Give me your sisters phone number." He commanded.

"What, no way."

Brax frowned.

"Do you want Jenna to be happy? I know you don't like me but am I really a bad person? Surely you know how your act as a barely dressed idol has affected your sister. Have I ever done anything to harm her? I care about her. Give me her number so I can ask her out. She is an amazing woman who shouldn't feel objectified or inferior just because she has the same body as you. I know she has never done anything to stop you from pursuing your dream even though it puts her in an awkward position that she hates, so stop being a brat and give me her number so I can make her days happier." He demanded.