A Night In The Forest

Lucan. Silent, Adrestia, and the Ghost King found themselves in a forest. The yellow river was nowhere in sight.

"Damn it. What were those things?" Lucan cursed.

"There are many abominations in the ethereal realm. When a soul refuses to enter the yellow river, it can take form again after many years. That was some sort of devourer, beings with an incredible desire to consume. It is all they are capable of. It won't be the last type of abomination we meet in the ethereal realm. They are considered corrupted life forms. Anything that isn't able to live off of the natural energy of this place, eventually becomes an abomination. Most start as souls but some creatures that wander into this place, if they survive long enough, can become tainted by the souls that resist the yellow river. They too will become abominations."

With Lucan's mad dash out of the fog, they had gotten turned around and didn't even know which direction they needed to head to find the yellow river again.