
Lucan dusted himself off.

"Thanks, Adrestia."

"That was unexpected." Silent said, as she stirred up the pile of ash left behind by the desk. She didn't manage to find any loot.

"Let's head to the next floor."

"Alright, keep your guard up. We don't need any more furniture launching surprise attacks." Silent said as they headed towards the stairs.

At the top of the staircase they came to a door. Trying the handle, they found it locked and magically reinforced.

"There is no keyhole, I won't be able to pick the lock. Do you think we should try and destroy it, like how we got into the tower?" Lucan asked Silent.

"Don't be silly. I have an idea, get ready."

Silent reached out and knocked on the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Delivery for the wizard!"

Lucan gave her a questioning look. He didn't want to put her down, but nobody would be so stupid to fall for that trick.

From the other side of the door came a reply.