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With a plan in motion, the news about the drow was spread through Baramore. Panic and fear spread through the citizens. The officials did their best keep everything in order.


A dwarf led his comrades further underground. Edgit Hammer stone was the one Lucan trusted this mission to. Lucan had originally met this for shortly after he came to Shadowsweep.

Ed had been in charge of all the mining operations and was the one who helped dig out all the mana crystals.

"We need to keep heading lower. This area might work for temporary housing but it is still too near the surface to build a dwarven city." Ed said.

Oat Lucan's steward followed closely behind. "Does it really need to be so far down? Will it make a difference?"

"Ha, of course it has to be deeper. When we dwarves are too close to the surface it just doesn't feel right. It's harder to fall asleep. It just doesn't sit well. You wouldn't understand you're not a dwarf trust me on this."