Dark Web

Tyrannical Kyp rushed to open the cabinets on the back wall and quickly shoved everything into his bags without bother to look at what he was grabbing.  All of the extremely valuable materials had already been taken away from the magic research lab but there was plenty of equipment and basic materials still left.  It was cheaper for Baramore to abandon these things compared to storing and shipping them to the shadow realm.

While Tyrannical Kyp moved as fast as he could, the voices in the hallway were getting closer.

"There should be plenty of good things still left in here."

"Yeah, yeah, that is what you said about the last place but we didn't find anything worth taking."

"It doesn't matter.  Boss isn't afraid of the drow, he said people are getting worked up over nothing.  Let's just do what were told."

"That is fine by me.  The bosses orders were to kill all outsiders and take anything of value."