Abyssal Prison

Lucan and Silent looked over the door trying to determine what was inside.

"Don't you think these symbols looks similar to the Demonic language?"  Silent asked.

Lucan shook his head.  "I really have no idea, but that would make sense.  The arm of a demon was able to draw power mana from whatever was inside.  It is very possible that this dungeon has something to do with demons."

"Do you want to give it a try, or should we find some teammates?"  Silent asked.

Lucan rubbed his chin and thought it over.  His first instinct was to go at it with just the two of them.  But things were different now.  He had taken the dungeon master profession.  When conquering a dungeon to claim it as his own, he was only given a limited number of attempts.  If he wanted it for himself, it made more sense to go in with a full armed and properly formed team.

"Let's get a team."  Lucan said.  "I want to try and conquer this dungeon to make it my own."