Instance Located

Flying through the air, Silent rested her head on Lucan's lap.  They had to fly for a little over an hour to reach their destination.  Lucan ran his hand threw her hair while he listened to her gentle breathing.  He wasn't sure if she had fallen asleep but he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.  She rested her eyes and relaxed until she felt a hand on her shoulder, gently rousing her from her rest.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up on the magic carpet.  Up ahead was a vast ocean that was spotted with different sized islands.  The sun was just beginning to rise on the horizon.  She sat closer to Lucan and rested her sleepy head on his shoulder as they flew closer.

"Which one is it?  Which island are we going to?"  She asked.

Lucan opened the interface to compare his current coordinates to the ones that the Goddess Marama had given him.