Party Dungeon



"This is unbelievable."

The three ladies were stunned by the sight they saw while Lucan was impressed with the dwarves' efficiency.

The city inside the citadel was almost fully excavated.  The wide staircase led down to a sprawling city that had been carved from ground itself.  But the buildings weren't made merely from stone. Iron towers rose towards the illuminated cavern ceiling.  Bridges made entirely of crystal connected different spires.  Diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other gemstones studded the entrances and peaks of the buildings.  The wide streets were inlaid with striking pieces of jade.

With the light shining down from the ceiling, the entire city sparkled in splendor.

On the far side of the massive cavern, the largest building glowed with a regal elegance.  Looking as if it was made entirely from silver and gold, the citadel's palace immediately drew the groups attention.

"Not bad, right?"  Lucan asked.