*Boom* *Boom*

Milocara and the three Willow players slowly crept through the second pirate ship. DarkX_XAssassin had retreated into stealth and Bubblegumfairy was hidden somewhere amongst the crew.  The cryomancer led the three players as the opened the trap door and peered out from the storage hold.

After only a moment, the trap door was shut again.  Heading out of the storage room without a distraction wasn't possible.  At least not right now.  There must have been at least thirty pirates on the level above them.  With only four or five people on their side, the players would be surrounded in an instant.  With no way to escape they wouldn't last long.

Thinking about it, Milocara decided to stay in the hold with the others for now.  There mission wasn't to kill all the pirates, it was to stop them from overwhelming the player's ship.