Part IV

"She has a Flu, and along with that we found out she's asthmatic, which could develop serious complications. Her pneumonia is contagious, so you have to be careful if she sneezes or coughs. Something like a panic attack must've triggered her asthma attack, but either way, symptoms of influenza would've still shown and she's lucky you were around." 

Xin remembered how she reacted when he commented on how tired she looked, and she acted strange after that. 

"Will she be okay?" That's all he actually wanted to know. Everything else the doctor said was confusing to him, but the man kept rambling on without restraint until he answered.

"Yes, she will. In less than a week, she'll improve. You just have to take care of your wife, make sure she gets plenty of rest, stays dehydrated, eats anything liquid, takes the prescribed drugs, and if anything else comes up, bring her back here."

"Thanks for your time."