Part III

Mr Qin flicked through the pages of the magazine, and as his wife watched, his scowl grew more and more pronounced. 

"What's wrong?" Xiulan asked. Her husband closed it and curled it up into a tight tube, tapping it on his knee.

"this whole mess is on every page of Lunar Magazine. And statistics showed copies were 40% sales, and the online articles had 60% views. To talk about privacy."

"You're also at fault for this," Xiulan approached him "If only you stopped spoiling her, letting her do as she pleased, this wouldn't be happening."

"Oh, so now you're trying to push the blame to me?" He stopped tapping the magazine.

"As far as I know you'd picked a side, you weren't neutral. You were supporting Lijuan behind my back."

Mr Qin pinched the bridge on his nose, slowly closing his eyes "Instead of fighting why don't we try to find a solution."

"There is no solution!"