Part II

Note: the following scenarios happened on the same day.

Morning light pours through every open space between fibre of the curtains, washing the room in golden rays. As the moments pass the intensity rises and softens, bold and gentle, soaking Lijuan in its vibrant glow, awaiting entrance into the woman's eyes. 

Upon waking, she burrowed into the warm, soft sheets, then her lids that were drooping and leaden with sleep snapped open as violently as if raid sirens wailing had woken her. 

She glanced at the wall clock, then quickly got out of bed. She was running late for work. It was her first day, and she was ten minutes late. 

Suddenly, her stomach lurched as she was scurrying to get ready. She tried to fight back the need to vomit, but the pressure increased and soon her cheeks puffed and she found herself on her knees, heaving all she had eaten the night before.