Part II

Life hadn't changed for Jin. Days became weeks and months, and in every single moment of every single day, his soul asked any god out there why he must still live. Nothing in his life was okay. He walked around the earth each day and pretend that everything was okay, while his mind was plummeting into nothing but an empty void.

All he felt was bitterness and with each passing year it grew like a tumour, pushing on the side of him that was serene, enveloping him in toxic darkness.

He wondered if it was fun to watch him suffer? To watch his failure to progress and move forward from his sickening life. The world drained him better than a vampire, giving itself youth at his expense.

All he had as friends and family were his painful memories, that were just the same as nightmares. They vanished when he was awake, but still returned whenever his mind trailed off in the daytime. Alcohol was the amber that brought peace and resolve to his soul.