Part II

When Jin woke up, it was nighttime but definitely not the same night. The streetlights beamed over the buildings, illuminating the dark for anyone to see. He couldn't recall how long the beating had gone on for, only the final hit and the sound of the iron bar falling to the concrete.


He had a throbbing pain in his head and he remembered the way Hong attacked him, and how he couldn't do anything in the situation.


He could barely move. Every muscle has seized up. His body was struggling to recover, to repair the damage. Jin rolled his shoulder subconsciously, trying to work out the aching stiffness,but he winced at the sharp pain from his attempt. There was sadness in the man's eyes, a heaviness, an unyielding sorrow that robbed him of his once calm smile, and he knew he could never get that back. Hong had won.