Chapter 1 - Author and Truck-kun

Day as any other living my life with belief that it has no meaning. Lying to my mom that I still go to college I went in the direction of the campus. I left behind my family home, where the last 4 generations grew up - me included. The house was built on the outside of the curve of a blind turn. Why blind you ask? Because the inside of the curve is elevated in such a way you don't see anything coming your way and the road is hardly broad enough for two family cars to pass themselves. You say you are not interested where my home is built but it is important... Soon you'll know why.

My day was wasted on nursing my regrets of my young life. Why was I not studying better at Highschool, why I had only colleagues and no friend to talk to, why no one cared about my talents in science subjects, why my parents gave my younger brother more freedom. I knew deep inside, that the answer to all those regrets was to answer why I was too weak to take my fate in my own hands.

This lasted for a bloody 10 years. A 20 year old young man turned old in the eyes of society. Without a degree, without good job experience, without good sight for the future. Only filled with regrets of the past. Reading books, novels, even low grade fanfics just to satisfy my need to escape reality.

When the day was slowly coming into the evening I finally returned home. I stepped into the safety of the front yard and... I died.

[Sound of vinyl plate screeching]

Truck-kun: Hey! It can't just end like that! Why am I not even mentioned in the story!?

Author: Zip it! You moving old pile of rust! I'm telling the story!

Truck-kun: But I did...

Author: Shut up!

Truck-kun: Wha...

Author: SHUSH!

Truck-kun: ...

Author: Now where was I??

This bloody blind turn. In 30 years of my life I knew that there would be an accident here. In the opposite direction of the campus down the road by which I lived 2 klicks down the road there is a suburb that once in a while someone would build a new house. Because there was plenty of space and it was a good neighborhood. And now some old truck branded STAR was delivering some payload to the building site. To go there it was driving through the blind turn next to my home. For the truck moving (like in any civilized country) on the right hand side it was taking the outside lane through this corner which made it closer to my yard. Now the road is really narrow and from the opposite direction was driving a family car. Poor Truck-kun saw it at the last moment and being on the left turn it decided to not kill the whole family and abruptly turned right, right into my yard.

And that's how I died. Fast and gory kill. Dismembered on the front grill of a STAR that was twice as much older than me.

Truck-kun: What!? I'm innocent it was that blind turn's fault.