[Bonus chapter]"Small obstacles!"

"… Now, while understanding the formula you have to have a good image in your head of what you want to do. In this case, you want to form a ball of light at a specific place. Then you chant the spell and the spell casts. 'Light.'" A ball of light formed over Evren's hand.

The group all began chanting 'light' at the same time while trying to tie the formula Evren had explained to the mental image of the spell. Evren had learned with a similar process from Anomaly but didn't get a chance to try the spell right away, but instead of light, it was with 'flame', 'drink' and 'heal cut'.

"Oh look Mr. Evren! I did it!" Harley held out the ball of light floating in her hand. Evren and the others congratulated Harley, and she flashed a brilliant smile. Eventually everyone had a ball of light in their hand.

"Now, for this part, it's about feeling. You have to feel the magic as it escapes your body and stop it. As you have the ball of light in your hand, you should feel the drain in or around your hand." Evren said as he held up his own ball of light and dispelled it.

"Honestly," Evren said, "It feels a lot like trying to stop peeing mid-stream, but you eventually get used to it."

Evren's comment made a few of them blush, but they understood what he was saying and the 'lights' all extinguished themselves. Now, to work on your magic capacity, you just keep casting and dispelling until you get a headache, then rest for a while and repeat."

"I have a headache now Mr. Evren." Harley said while raising her hand.

"The first time I used magic, I got a headache and passed out, but I was doing it all wrong then." Evren said with a smile.

"How did you do it wrong?" Joseph asked.

"I wasn't using the formula, or a spell itself. I was more trying to force water to appear rather than conjuring it. It's like how I can move objects while just thinking about it. I tried to create water by just thinking about it." Evren explained.

"I don't understand the difference," Joseph asked with a confused expression.

Evren thought about it and then picked up a cup from the table with telekinesis. "When I move things by thinking about it, I'm directly moving the object with magic from my body. When casting a spell, you manipulate the magic indirectly through the magical spell.

"The difference is one is doing something; the other is causing something to happen." Evren said.

Walter shook his head, "I don't understand."

Evren thought a little more and said, "Ok. When shooting an arrow, you nock the arrow, you draw the bow, you release the string, the arrow flies. That's a spell. What I can do takes away the bow and just make the arrow fly."

Walter nodded, "Ok, I understand now. So, how do I make the arrow fly without a bow?"

Evren shrugged his shoulders, "It was something I could do before I died, so I just can?"

Joseph asked Evren, "Yesterday, you knew Walter was still outside without looking outside. Is that something else you can do?"

Evren looked at Joseph with a sideways grin, "That has something to do with my ability to move stuff. I basically try to move things, or rather get ready to move things and I can tell by the resistance where something is. It's like feeling around a dark room with your fingers. The same concept, but with a lot more fingers."

Evren focused his sensory field on Joseph, "It seems when I focus in on someone, they know it somehow." As Evren was saying that Joseph began squirming in his seat.

"What was that?" Joseph asked with a start.

"What did it feel like?" Evren asked.

"It felt weird, like all the hairs on my body were moving. Ah! It gave me goosebumps!" Joseph said while shivering.

Evren nodded, "Yeah, I suppose that makes sense now. What I'm doing most of the time is like looking at the area around me. I can 'see' roughly the size of something and the general shape, but more importantly, I can see if something is moving. I'm basically doing it all the time now." Evren said

"It's like looking at a tree. If you look at the whole tree, you can see there are leaves, branches and even birds, but you can't really tell what they look like. If I focus on something, I can see the details of the leaves, their shape, their texture, but can no longer see the whole tree." Evren said.

"It really helps in a fight because I know when something is behind me, and I can get a rough idea of what's going to happen. But when I focus on something, it gives me away, so I don't normally do that." Evren said with a smile.

"Any other questions before we continue?" Evren asked.

Nobody had any questions, so Evren moved on, "Ok, first let's learn the alphabet and the sounds the letters make."

Isabel then asked, "How do you know how to read? Or speak the language?"

Evren looked at Isabel then raised an eyebrow, "It came with the body? I knew how to read and write in my previous life, everyone did, so it was something natural. When I came over here, my thinking changed to the language here, but I still remember my old language. Well, languages, I spoke fourteen of them."

Walter asked, "What does that inscription on your sword say then?"

Evren smiled and said, "It says 'Omis Dzaghli" it means War Dog in my native language. It was… the nickname I was given in the military."

Evren spent the day with the family, going over letters and their sounds. He touched on the subject of math a bit but left that alone for now.

In the evening, Evren went back to the house he was staying at. Working from Von's journal, Evren began setting out the designs he would need to have engraved in the gemstones. In addition to the gemstones, there would be runes engraved into the forge along the support structure, which would eventually be covered up by brick. Once the forge was completed, if you poured magic into the handle of the bellows, while you were pumping, it would magically heat the metal to a higher temperature. The longer you poured magic in, the higher the temperature would be.

The runes were designed to focus the heat inward so the outside temperature, while still hot, would be only about as hot as a normal forge. The magic gems would be absorbing atmospheric magic and storing it for use, then when activated, would feed magic into the glyphs and runes that would operate the forge.

Levi would be preparing the clay to be used for the fire bricks, but Evren would be providing the secret ingredients to it. He just had to get it from Plinth. It turns out the dungeon provides quite a bit of what the residents need, to include ores and minerals. It seems that when the dungeon grows, it "eats" the rock and mineral, stores it somewhere and then uses it to harden the walls, make magic gems, and items, and usually has a lot of leftover material that it has no place to put. So, the dungeon put it here, in the rest zone, for the residents to use.

One of the minerals that the dungeon provides is calcium, in the form of chalk, which Evren will have Levi also gather to be made into quicklime. This should improve the quality of the iron Levi is using.

Evren will also be making modifications to Levi's furnace but won't be building a new one. The furnace does its purpose perfectly fine for what it is needed for, therefore it doesn't need to be replaced. Evren calculated the forge would be able to get hot enough to melt adamantium, as it is designed to be able to work orichalcum, the toughest metal to work with.

Evren would use the biggest mana gems he could get that would fit the attributes of the forge; the best choice being on white mana gems. White mana gems were neutral in nature, which fit the usage of the forge as instead of providing heat, it focuses the heat already available and intensifies it, not letting it escape.

As Evren was finishing the drawing and was about to begin the glyphs for the mana gems, he heard a knock at the door, "Mr. Evren? It's time for dinner."