"Chasing the wild goose!"

The runner that approached the camp was stopped with a dagger at his throat. He stuttered for a moment before finally spitting out, "I bring a message from Commander Le Saux." He held in his hand a crumpled scroll that had a seal on it.

The man behind the runner walked around front and took the scroll. He looked at the seal on it before removing the dagger from the man's throat. Without saying a word, he turned and walked away.

The runner followed for a while before pausing to wonder if following the man was what he should be doing. He figured he should follow the man since if a message was to be returned, he would be needed. They walked through the snow for an hour before reaching a small camp.

Sergeant Heardt was given the scroll; he took a glance at the seal before breaking it and reading what it said. He rolled the scroll back up and said the to the runner. "How long did it take you to reach us?"

"Fifteen days, sir." The man said.