"Running Mad!"

"So, Evren. Are you dating anyone?" Keira asked.

Evren looked at her and had realized previously that she was flirting with him but had ignored it. Evren took a deep breath and said, "No, but there are three reasons why I'm not dating anyone."

"The first reason is, or rather was, my wife. I was married to her for a wonderful seventy-four years. Even after she died, I felt as if I could love no other. The second reason is because I'm just too old for that sort of thing."

"Too old?" she asked.

Evren smiled and said, "Before I died, I was one hundred and eighty-seven years old."

"What?!" she exclaimed.

"On my planet the military had developed a way to mutate their soldiers' DNA to make us stronger, faster, live longer, and better interface with augments."

"Oh, what's the third reason?" she asked out of curiosity.

Evren scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, I have trouble telling humans apart, and honestly, I'm not really attracted to humans."