
"What was that again?" Evren asked.

"I said there is an outbreak of the plague in the noble district." Fletcher said.

Evren stared at Fletcher with one eyebrow raised. "A plague?"

"Yes, Evren, a plague." Fletcher couldn't understand why he was having such a hard time with this.

Evren eyes dropped down, and you could see he was thinking things through. "Yeah well, I suppose in a society that doesn't offer immunizations this sort of thing would happen." Evren looked back up at Fletcher and said, "Well, quarantine off the noble district then."

"Isn't there some magic you could use?" Fletcher asked.

Evren shook his head, "There's nothing for diseases. There's one to alleviate symptoms, but that's about as good as putting a cool rag on their head."

"See if Orion has any herbal remedies. Didn't we have someone doing alchemy?" Evren asked.

Fletcher shook his head, "I don't think so."