"New old magic!"

Evren walked into the mayor's office and the worker quickly exited. The man sitting behind the desk was slightly overweight, bald and looked to be heavily overworked. When Evren entered, he had a slightly excited, yet worried look on his face. He came around the desk and reached out his hand to shake Evren's.

"Yes, hello, I'm the mayor of Apotoyuca Matias Canales." He said while shaking Evren's hand.

Evren smiled and said, "I am Evren Bozdag, representative from St. Gloria. And this is Dayzze."

To Dayzze, he said through thought, 'Dayzze, would it be alright to show yourself fully to him later?'

'What are you thinking?' she asked.

Evren replied, 'Just in case he needs more convincing.'

She didn't reply and just rubbed her head against his and purred.

"What can I do for you Mr. Bozdag?" The mayor said as he sat down.