Bringing New Concepts To A Foreign World

I asked Kyra and Kadence to let me talk to Alexcoria alone for a little bit. Both gave me very pointed stares as they left the cave. Once they were gone, I got down to business. I think the Queen thought I was gonna try and have my way with her or something, but that wasn't important.

"Fine, I accept, but I'm not ready to start having children and shit yet. We have a world to conquer, starting with that shitty little village."

"You want us to attack the village? I don't know if I can agree to that, but if it's what you wish, husband."

"Husband? We haven't even got married!"

"But, you accepted it. So, now we are connected."

"That's it?"

"What did you think was going to happen?"

"That's not important. Back to the village, I want you to help me get rid of the hunters. Not to attack the village or the people in it. They have nothing to do with this."

"Very true, But Thurman is a problem, even for someone like me."

"What is your magic?"

"I have three magics. Spawn arachnids, Hive Mind, and Steel Stands."

'What the fuck, old man, why does she have three skills?'

'She a god and one of my children, sue me for being partial to my spawn.' -Gripton.

'What happens if I touch her with my right hand.'

'Don't.' -Gripton.

'Why not? Won't she be like super duper awesome then?'

"What are you talking to father about?"

Alexcoria was way too close to me all of a sudden, and I backed away before she pressed upon me. If all it fucking took was accepting it to be hitched in this world, then I already had one wife before this one. No way I was gonna break the order and get these women pissed at me. This was fucking crazy.

"I was complaining about favoritism and you three magics."

"Oh? What magic did father give you?"

'Is it safe to tell her?'

'…maybe…' -Gripton.


'It's your choice. I'm not telling you to, but I am not telling you that you can't.' -Gripton.

"The Magic Hands of Maximus and Negima."

She just blinked at me and then grabbed my shirt with both hands and started to shake me violently.


'I told you.' -Gripton.

Alexcoria was freakishly strong, but she finally stopped before my brain was shaken into a paste and let go of me. She turned around and started to shoot strands of thick sliver thread from her hand and started to destroy the cave. After about ten minutes of dodging rocks, she finally stops, but then began to glare at me.

"Why did he give it to you!"

"Hey, I died and woke up in front of some stupid statue in a grass field, with some dumb ass magic. Don't get angry at me, WIFE! Get mad at papa stuck in my head!"

"Stupid? You think that one of the four top magic in existence that can threaten the world's balance is stupid? The power to grant an immense magic boost to others or take away magic? And that's only in the finer print! I bet that old fucker didn't even realize what he did!"

'THERES MORE?!' -Gripton.

I started to like this woman more and more, but now was no time to get distracted.

"What do you mean that what's was just in the fine print? What else is there?"

"In the even finer print, it talks about gain shared abilities by creating a strong bond with a person before evolving their magic."

"So, what now I have to make them my friend before giving them a boost? The fuck is that shit? I don't have time for that!"

"No, calm down! That's why you have the other hand to take all magic away and another chance to give them magic again. So they can form a bond through time, and then after you work together more, you can reform the contract."

"Now there's a contract? I won't be some desk clerk."

"No, it's a magical contract that forms when you touch us. It just says the person who takes your power must serve you, and they cannot attack you, along with defending you with their lives."

"Do you want the power?"

"Not yet."


"Let's got to see the rest of my guests."

Without a word, she tore off past me and out of the cave. The place now looked like a psycho spider cave, the steel spike sticking up all over the rubble and chunks of bed. All the drapes were covered, and I let out a long sigh.

'So, you forgot to tell me about that part.'

'She acts like I study these things!' -Gripton.

'Aren't you supposed too?'

'You had better go check on you little army.' -Gripton.

'We aren't done talking about this!'

I turned to leave and walked to the end of the cave. Everyone was waiting except for Kyra, Kadence and Alexcoria were all huddled. I could only assume that there we all plotting horrible futures for me, but I ignored them.

"Are we ready to go?"

"No!" The females roared from their huddle, and then they broke off and surrounded me. I was starting to understand what a rabbit feels like when surrounded by wolves as I was circled.

"None of us are going anywhere until tomorrow. You shall camp here tonight, but we are not finished with you. Come with us," Alexcoria grabbed my arm and dragged me into a different cave while the girls followed.

"I can walk, you know! Stop draggin me!" But my protests were wasted on angry women ears.

So we entered an identical cave to the one she had just destroyed and dragged me to the bed and sat me down while the girls started me down. This would have been a dream come true any other time, but right now, two women were angry at me for some unknown reason while Kadence was crying. What the hell was going one, and why was I the one in trouble?

"You married me before marrying the lovely Miss Kadence, who poured her heart out to you! What is wrong with you, man?"

"Ya, you dumb jerk!"

Kadence just cried more. These two witches must have stirred the shit out of her feelings, and now I had to accept her friggen marriage proposal? She had said about wanting to serve me till death using her magic and body; it had all sounded a bit intense, so I wasn't sure how to take it at the time.

"GET OUT! Let me talk to her without you two chirping in privacy!"

"Fine, but you better be gentle with her, boy!"

"Or you will have both of us to deal with!"

The cat-elf and the many armed and legged she-spider-god left the cave, and soon I couldn't hear their chatter. I turned back to Kadence, who was now only sniffling, and I walked over to her, taking her by the hand. I led her to the bed, but I felt her stiffen a bit in my grasp, but I motioned for her to sit down with me. Great. Now she thinks of some pervert like Grip.

'I heard that!' -Gripton.

"Listen, I didn't know that what you meant, and I was pretty much forced into saying yes to Alex."

"I know those girls just had me overthinking everything."

"I'm not good at this kind of thing, and where I'm from, it happens a lot different."

"Oh? How is it different?"

"Well, sometimes the guy asks the girl's father for permission first to make sure that the family approves. Then there is the proposal, where I ask you to marry me and offer you a fancy ring to signify that we are engaged. After, there is a preparation period for the wedding. That is the ceremony where you actually get married. You do it in front of your friends and family while wearing a fancy dress."

I had kind of got lost in the explanation because it made me think of my dad simultaneously. He was the one that drilled this shit into me and the media, showing off the rich fancy royal weddings or even just ordinary people's weddings that were crazy affair. Imagine a flash-mob proposal with all the different races on a battlefield!

Fuck! Getting distracted again! I looked over to Kadence and was shocked to see her change in expression. Gone was the sad and depressing look, replaced by the sparkling eyes of a little girl watching Cinderella for the first time.

"Is it really like that in your world?"

"Yeah, but I can just do it the same way as the other's if you want."

"No, I want you to meet my father and do all the stuff you just said. It all sounds so wonderful, almost like a dream!"

Shit, now I had dung myself into an overly deep hole.

'Oh yes, revolutionary world traveler! Introducing The Wedding to this world! Hahaha!' -Gripton.

'There is no way those other two are gonna let this slide, right?'

'BWAHAHAHA!' -Gripton.