God's Of Transmigrerica Seal

Kalita was waiting for us as I walked over with Cable. Her eyes went huge when she noticed him, and she stood up open-mouthed. I smiled warmly and walked around behind her and kissed her cheek, making Cable's eyes go big like Kalita's were just now.

"So, it seems another person was hiding under Sir Tim. Kalita, meet Cable, the same Sir Tim, but he will be a bit different now, hehe!"

"Whaddya mean? Oh fuck, bro, why am I spittin' like this?" Cable was confused, but it was just his old life coming back to him.

Cable lived in this world so long that he has forgotten where he came from and who he once was. I guess this was how he talked before dying; the change must have altered his speech patterns and shit to make it easier for him to fit in.

'Wait, does that mean he has a god with him like Addel?'