Blood Glass Headstone

I flapped my wings for effect as I hovered over the scorched earth. Scream I the dying filled the area, but none of it registered to me; it was just sound. As I jumped into the air, I had decided that I would put a part of me away for this. I needed to disconnect from what I had done and was about to do. 

I turned and started moving up into the sky until I was high above the very few clouds. I could see it up ahead far in the distance, Landokingson, my target. I pushed my body forward; the entire time, I created destruction inside myself, infusion magic to create the perfect weapon.

I would make an example of this city to the world, and there would be a sign left, reminding others of what happened and why. The city was getting closer now, and my Fire Wheeled Bouncing Betties were ready. The name wasn't that creative, but I was already at my daily limit of fucks to give, so that's what I called it.