Did Your Brain Just Melt To Mush?

"I know, but I would sooner have people we know as sisters, even though I know you will pick up more than once while you are gone, as I can see with Wendy. We have our own set of royalty for most of the countries here, so it will make it easy to make peace if you are already in the family, so to speak."

That did, make sense, but really who was it going to be? I hoped it was someone I had already met so I wouldn't be so awkward and like trying to get to know a brand new person every time. Not that I didn't enjoy the encounters and learning about each girl, but having some more women in my life that I knew would be better. I found myself getting a little bit excited since I assumed Kadence picked them.

"Let's go then," I turned and called Into the group of my wives, "Xelios, and Nina, would you like to join us for a walk to go seek out more brides to be?"