What Is The Point Then?

After Violet got a grip and her legs stopped shaking, I took her over to formally introduce her to the girls. After a short introduction, I motioned for Violet to lead the way, and she took us east out of town where there was a large combine looking machine and then a series of grain silos behind it. The field was already cut down and the grain was tied in a stack that people were carrying in.

"What kind of grain is that?"

"Oats, we have this entire field to take off today so if you want to help start hauling."

"So, before we get our hands dirty, I want to ask a couple questions since I have no clue how this works."

"I'll just give you the fast run down, I see slackers out there!"

"Don't worry about them, focus on me and tell me the process. I might be able to make short work of the day and with some extra benefits."