They Are Here!

I was shaken awake. Horrible experience, I don't suggest trying it. 

I opened my eyes to Mishka half-naked...okay, seeing her breasts jiggle like that wasn't that bad, but that when I noticed we weren't alone. Xelios cheeks were flashing rainbow colors with excitement, and Kadence, and Tescelle both had huge smiles. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, kissing Mishka, then threading our clothing back on.

"Come, they are being delivered at the same time!" Kadence told me with excitement.

"Both of them? Like the twins are coming at the same time? How does the…"

"No! Both Alex and Kyra are giving birth you dolt." Tescelle scolded

Tescelle gave me a light mock chop to the forehead, and then everything fell into place. My children were being born...THEY WERE BEING BORN!

"Let's go!"

"Sure, now he gets it," Tescelle said with a smile.