Take It Back

The breeze was almost chilly on the top of my head, so, since I was alone and only going to see some undead wacko nut job, I made myself a toque. I even added a bobble on top, solid black like the rest; I'm sure I painted a funny picture. The tunnel had stairs with glowing torches, but they seem to go one forever.

The fuck is this? There is no way I should have walked this far? I picked up speed, but then stopped quickly at the sound of crackling leaves, or a wheezing noise...was that laughing?

"Listen here you old shit, I'm here to talk so stop pissing around."

"Aren't you the sassy one? Do you talk to all your friends like that?" Replied a toothless wispy old voice.

"King, what is your name? I didn't get that from your granddaughter, my future wife."