Giving In

How many more sleeps till I could get a firm grip on that? I only turned away when Nuwari was out of sight and turned right into Buddy. Well, he had the decency to give me a hand span space of personal space and when I got turned around, he took a couple more steps back. Damn mind reader!

"I can't help it most of the time," Buddy said apologetically.

"I know, Buddy, but I hardly have thoughts to myself these days, so maybe just pretend like you don't hear my thoughts sometimes, okay? Anywho, what's cracking?"

"Nothing is cracking, but I would like to join you in the hunt for these children. It isn't right, and I agree that we should take them all alive, but it will be faster if we go together and spread out. I know you worry about us, but you have to remember that whatever worry you feel, is magnified tenfold for us. I can't imagine how it must be for the closest to you," Buddy explained.