Just When You Thought You Understood It All

After landing an earth-shattering comet elbow to the ground, ran through the Giant Ants, smashing them as I went. There were so many of them, it was like wading through water, even as I cut a wide path through them, the trail was swallowed up. The key was to no stop, but these things were just to let off steam while waiting for the lazy son of a bitch to get back here.

Bhan, and Little Bo Peep, had just connected with the start of the hoard and the cloud dust became black particles. I could see him sitting up top with not a care in the world, feet up on the railing, as Bo Peep annihilated everything in its path. The name Little Bo Peep was the result just the same as my Meteor Punch and Comet Elbow, lack of supervision.