Infinite Pocket

The trip was going to take two full days to get there, even with the tank, but there was a town along the way that we would stop and stay at the first night. We could get there faster if we drove all night, but we had been giving the mission for the reason that we could make it to the location for the time that the slaves would be rolling through, and we would still be a day early.

"Have any of you ever been to Ratiha or this town up ahead, Kerlick? I know you have Jill, but your information is a bit dated."

"No, the place has been very closed off, and those that enter don't usually return," Rachel/Nuwari explained.

"Well according to Tescelle's map, the town is a good size, even bigger than Locksland, so we should be able to get a feel for what the people will be like."