Tear In Reality

I walked into the city of Ratilleck, licking my fingers and ignoring the people and the occasional blank look I got. Everyone walked around like normal, but the people were not normal. It was just the same as in the village, and that meant there was a cure for the problem, me.

'Two people are moving fast towards you from above, watch out!' -Nina.

I was prepared for this, I was wearing a black cloak over me, and a hood over my head. I already had an air bomb in my index finger and I flicked at the closet female vampire. The rock was small, so it couldn't pierce the armor she was wearing, but a direct hit to the shoulder knocked her into a building.

The male had a sword, but I already was snapping the whip I had found, the connection hit the Vampire with so much electricity that he started to scream and struggle inside his own armor. I walked up and raised the whip of the smoking man, whose hands were up asking me to please never do that again.