Pink Blush On A Pale Green Face

After dropping down the middle route, I ended up having to jump to the right ledge. The middle route would have been fine, but Nina pointed out that the other would be faster way down. She was right, and after a quick judge of distance, I leaped across with only one Gate open.

The rest of the trip down what a relatively easy descent, and I reached the bottom after about an hour. The entire trip over had taken far longer than I had planned, but it was worth it to get out and really stretch the muscles for the Gates. Still, I was at the bottom now and I could see the large group of ships at a massive port that almost looked like a small city.

'Babe, do you know anything about this place?'

'Not a lot, The Ritah Port, and it is the main transport, but it isn't really Ratiha that uses this port. Veridan, Tescelle's home, is the one that uses it the most, they have a good relationship with the Tri-Islands.' -Nina.