Acting Like Children

I walked back to the wagon with Titania's bigger hand holding mine. Now that the water had been cleared, I was pretty excited to take her to the bedroom with me! It would be a trial and may error type of thing, but with her, that would be the fun of it all!

I kissed her hand, and briefly wondered how well she would be able to hold a basketball? The warm smile I got in return, made all the jokes fly out of the window, and I returned the smile and made a movement with my face that indicated I wanted a kiss. I love her to pieces, but I was not about to stand on my toes to kiss a woman! Hell, I don't think I could have reached even then!

Titania caught my head movement and leaned down with a more playful smile. She wrapped her arms all the way around me and we kissed. It was a good kiss, but I felt like a child in her arms. I guess this was what Violet feels like with me, but...oh no you don't woman!

"Don't even think about it!" I whispered sharply.