Not Talking About Work

With Trem and Breth's help, I was able to get it back standing, but there were too many things that would make it impossible to work. Without some kind of camera system and a feed inside the cabin, it would be impossible to use. The next big problem on the massive overstatement of the power assists that I would have.

The thing was just far too heavy and the drives were not gearing up fast enough. Then, when they did, they burnt out every gear under stress. We had brought it back up to the terrace and I had consoled Titania about it, saying that it wasn't her fault. What she had created was far beyond anything I could have ever imagined, and that this world was ready for, this was Universal Watch level shit.

"I will figure out how to make it work with what we have! I'm not defeated yet, I just have to look at a way to get more power to the joints, and a better way for you to see. I will figure it out," Titania said walking around the Dragon Armor and leaving me alone.