Not To Eat Good Ammo!

Trem took us back to the beach where the women and children were. All the women cheered when they saw that we were back, but then they all stopped when they saw Wendy and me.

"Was there an attack in the bakery?" Dalmia asked, coming up to me.

She ran her finger down my cheek, whipping some chalk off. Then Dalmia popped the finger in her mouth before I could stop her. The group and I all started to laugh as Dalmia started licking her palm to get the chalk off.

"What happened to you after you went for your tour?" Alex asked, looking me up and down and the rest of the women started to gather around with the kids.

"Let us get clean, and then bring some towels and the kids. We can play in the sand and talk about it!" I said as I scooped up Wendy and started to run to the water and she laughed in my arms.