Carried Away

"Brick...What is this?" 

The mountain of muscle scratched the top of his bald head while staring at me.

"We have a saying, nothing is stronger than a brick shit house. So, If nothing is stronger than a shit house made of bricks, then how strong is one of those bricks alone?"

Brick put his finger to his chest and tapped it with a goofy grin.

"You know I like you, Brick is good. A bit of a backhanded compliment, but it was worded so that I can hardly fault you for the joke, HAHA! I know what you mean, and we will go, come," Brick said, waving me to follow.

I nodded to Brick, but I turned back around to my friends.

"I'll be back, I just want to go have some fun with this guy, but I don't want to…" I tried to say, but they all laughed at me and pushed me back around, and followed me as I started to jog to catch up.