Stab In The Dark

Buddy and I walked back to the girls, and I told them to be careful. I watched Buddy and Moshi walk off down the middle lane, and all that was left was the right lane and Rena. 

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Mhm," Rena mumbled walking ahead of me.

"Hey, come back and stay closer to me," I said and Rena froze mid-step and waited for me to catch up. "We have to be careful here, I don't want you to get hurt just because of a silly accident. Let's stay close and that way if something does happen, we can deal with it in the best way."

"Okay, sorry," Rena said while looking at the ground.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off. Is it because you don't have your sword? I can protect you, you just have to stay close."

"No, I am fine, I can still fight without it, and I know you can protect me…"