What Is It?

I woke up in a bed and there were warm bodies curled into me. One was small and the other big, and I opened my eyes to find Kyla and Kyra cuddled into me. I was in my room on the ship and it was only the three of us, but then I felt it.

The purple stone that had flown into my arm, I could feel it, but my arm was being held by Kyra. I moved my arm that Kyra was held and her eyes shot open, making me stare into them.

"You're awake? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" 

Kyra rushed me with questions, but I pulled her into a kiss with my one arm. I felt my little girl start to wake up on the other side of me, and then moved my head to look at her. 

Kyla was letting out a long and drawn yawn that exposed her sharp double incisors. What was she? A wolf or a vampire? Not that it mattered, she was so damn bloody cute and she could have been a werewolf and I would still cuddle the shit out of her.