Pretty Face

I needed to calm down. Everyone had backed up and away from me, and they were all looking either worried or scared. Kyra was coming over from the ship with Titania, and Xelios and they walked right up to me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Kyra asked, looking at my face.

I dusted my hands off on my shirt and then tried to get most of the sand off my shirt before trying to wipe my face. Once I was done, I took a deep breath and explained what happened.

I called the others over as well because most of them didn't know what happened. I had just been a raging fit before and I'm sure all I did was scare everyone.

I turned to Trinity, and put my arms out to her. She was slow to come, but then she ran to give me a hug. 

She had little small tusks poking up from the corners of her mouth, and her hair was done in thick dreadlocks. Even though she was just sand, it was good to see her again.