A-Type Weapon

The next day we arrived at Frost Island, and I was itching for us to land so I could see the Dragon Armor. I had made sure that both Titania and I were dressed early in the morning, and it wasn't long after that our door slid open.

Kyla came rushing in with Kyra hot on her tail, just out of reach as she rushed into the room with a rat nest of hair. Titania laughed, as Kyra stormed over with a hairbrush. 

Kyla turned and growled at mom, but mom growled back with menace. I put her down on the bed to sit with crossed arms and legs, while Kyra brushed the rest of her hair out.

I turned and kissed Titania, and told her that I would meet her outside to see the mech. I turned back and Kyla was smiling with hair and little black wolf ears. 

A warning went off, and there was a slight drop, but that was it. A green light went off in the room and I smiled; that wasn't there before.