Coming Home

"Uh, Hyde are you sure about this? This guy is a little bit, don't you think?" Kyra asked from inside.

"Nope, I am not sure at all, so strap in and hold on. Eva engages extra seat belts and makes sure to strap the food down. I am pretty sure I will have worked up quite the appetite if we survive this!" I said laughing.

"Hyde!" Krya yelled at me.

"Babe, call down I got this, I think, but he is pretty big, eh?" I said as I got ready to...something.

The walking forest looked down at me with big glowing eyes. Three times was that much bigger, but this one had a bit more...girth to him. 

The fist came down, and I jumped to the side, turning and my front door kicked the wrist. I planted and stretched out the power web to brace me, but the impact from the Almighty Push cratered me into the foundation a half a meter.