Goddammit Dave!

Slow down? But, why? If I was really going so fast that I was out of time with everyone else, wouldn't this be the perfect moment?

This could be my chance to really haul ass and get shit done! I had to try and move, I had just stopped before, and I hadn't tried to move since then.

I tried to lift my arm at a normal speed, but it was like something was pulling on me. Not only that, when my arm did start to move, it started to break.

I could handle the waves of pain, this was nothing. I had to slow my arm to a crawl because it felt like smashing my fist into an unbreakable wall using my full strength, in slow motion.

I finally had to stop, I was just breaking my arm faster than it could be repaired. That was the reason why I needed to slow down, I fucked something up.