Yits Tits

Each plate on my body tucked, and folded into itself, slowly reducing its size. It was like watching my body slowly shrink down in size until I was just little old me.

"Will I be able to change a single part of my body?" I asked as I shrunk.

"From what I can see it doesn't look like it. The problem that the change happens as one thing to your entire body. Your body can now choose a form and you will become that, but there is no halfway between. I don't see any way to target a single part of you," Eva explained.

I was back down to my normal size, and I felt like an ant standing in my own footprint. After playing the thirty-meter tall robot for a couple days, it was weird to have to look up at everything. 

My body was the same as it normally was, except now there were small hair-thin lines in my skin from then plates. I reached into my pants and sighed as I grabbed my soft dangly bits.